Hogan Announces Appointment to Stop-and-Go Legislative Task Force, Focused on Regulating Establishments in Philadelphia
January 26, 2024
HARRISBURG – Rep. Joe Hogan (R-Bucks) announced today he has been appointed to the Stop-and-Go Legislative Task Force. He will be one of only two members from the House of Representatives.
The Stop-and-Go Legislative Task Force was recently established to review and analyze the laws, procedures, practices, and rules relating to the issues involving stop-and-go establishments. The goal of this task force will be to define and create a liquor license category for stop-and-go establishments that operate within the city of Philadelphia and provide recommendations for regulating these businesses as well.
“I want to thank Leader Bryan Cutler for trusting me with this appointment,” said Hogan. “Stop-and-go establishments have been a target for crime in the city of Philadelphia for a long time, as well as hotbeds for underage drinking. I hope this new task force will establish strong regulations on these establishments so we can bring crime down in Philadelphia and protect legitimate business owners.”
Representative Joe Hogan
142nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Joe Szymanski
RepHogan.com / Facebook.com/RepHogan/
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